Amelie me

DOLPHINS… I love dolphins, they’re so cute, playful, talented, smart, and entertaining

DUMPLINGS… Dumplings are my favorite food, they’re delicious, easy to make, and, healthy.

MUSIC… Music is awesome I love to sing, play instruments, listen to music, and dance to it.

MATH… Math is my favorite subject like music. Math is all around us, and there’s different types of math, my favorite is multiplcation.

WRITING… Writing stories is fun you could write about what ever you want.

COOKING… I like to cook and bake because after you came eat it, and there is so many recipies. I even make my own like pasta, noodles, cornbread, sandwiches, brownies, cookies, and much more.

GYMNASTICS… I enjoy doing gymnastics, it entertains me a lot.

BASKETBALL… Basketball is a fun sport, where you can play inside and outside. I like to dribble the ball and shoot it, that is something I do in gym at Idealab

SOCCER…  It is a fun sport to play outside to enjoy the weather and the game.

DANCE… Dancing is really fun like hip hop, and ballet.

FAMILY… I love my family except my sister sophie I like her.

FRIENDS… I love to play with my friends. They keep me company at school, and when i’m bored during the weekends.

ART… Arts and crafts are fun, you get to use your creativity and your imagination. I like to do it when I have nothing else to do.

MINECRAFT… I like minecraft you get to make what ever you want